zied khayechi



Desgin and Develop an Hybrid Mobile Application using IONIC
Blockchain: Develop an cryptocurrency & voting Dapp using Ethereum blockchain

June_September 2018


Discover the architecture of the switching center and get familiar with the Work Environment and the different Internet access techniques
Installation and configuration of ADSL and optical fiber                 
Assistance Installation , commissioning and operation of specialized lines

August 2017


Generation of integration and unit tests for an E-learning platform

July 2017


December 2016

This project serves to improve our behavior towards our waste and to seek the best optimization in order to make our waste beneficial and reusable.
The application is coded in C under visual studio.

may 2017

Application dedicated to the management of early childhood care facilities for reliable, simple and fast management.
The application is coded in C ++ under visual studio.


Application aims to manage the operation of a hospital (or medical office) from making an appointment, to treatment, through the creation of a medical form and order.
The application is coded in Java under Eclipse with the use of Javafx, Mysql.

December 2017

This project consists in creating a compiler for a pseudo language C: "mini-C" in order to compile and execute a source program with a specific grammar.
Tools: Flex, Bison, linux

Décember 2017

Provides remote communication between one or two client machines and a server using sockets, threads and semaphores. The application is encoded in PYTHON using TCP / IP and UDP protocols Operating System used: Windows, Linux and Android

March 2018

Design and simulate digital logic circuits Tools: Logisim

May 2018

Implement the different statistical methods thanks to the software R, FactoMineR and python

May 2018

This project consists of mastering the life cycle of an application:
creates specifications sheet and get into the specification, design and development phases
Tools: StartUMl , html , css ,js , jquery , bootstrap

May 2018

Creation and manipulation of database objects: commands, programming
Tools: SQL, PLSQL , XML, XPath , XQuery , Oracle , mySql

(In progress)

Develop SOAP/RESTFUL webServices , MicroServices using java,nodejs,spring boot,Spring cloud , JWT

(In progress)

Develop web application using the JEE architecture ,Angular , spring , hibernate

(In progress)

Design an Android application using AdobeXD ,java , mongodb , heroku

(In progress)

How can blockchain technology help improve the supply chain?

(In progress)

Model,Design ,Develop a data warehouse in a chosen business industry
Apply OLAP and data mining tools to extract meaningful business intelligence

(In progress)


University of Carthage_Tunisia
National Engineering School of Carthage

National Software Engineering diploma
Terminal class
Option: Information System(SI)
2016 - Present

University of Monastir_Tunisia
Preparatory Institute for Engineering Studies of Monastir

Certificate of Undergraduate Studies
2014 - 2016


MATHEMATICS Baccalaureate Degree (15.49/20)


Programming Languages & Tools


I am a Dynamic, Disciplined and Hardworking software engineering student and Dean at school of AI looking for challenges, passionate about IT and new technologies since always.
seeking for an intership in the field of:
#1 blockchain
#2 MachineLearning
#3 DataScience
#4 FullStack development

Far from the IT field, I am a singer of classical music and I participated in the animation of several university competitions and events within the ENICarthage




136 Taher Haded Street · Monastir Center, C2 5000 · (216) 21-514-690 · ziedkhayechi@gmail.com